Tips for Breastfeeding Mothers Healthy Diet

Lose weight post spawned quite a struggle that requires heavy and is a huge challenge that needs to be done, especially for breastfeeding Moms after the birth the fruit of his heart. Pregnant at the time, the body will experience a weight gain that does little, therefore after delivery of the body will be overweight, plus more breastfeeding should be the fruit of the heart, so it would be hard to drop him. But this is not the obstacle to doing the healthy diet for nursing mothers, but there can be a limit when the lose weight in a safe way and do not torture yourself.

Healthy diet for nursing mothers by means of reducing calories on food is strongly discouraged, as it will affect the production and quality of breast milk produced. For some Mothers Breastfeeding, diet could be the thing that is hard enough. This is due at the time of breastfeeding, mothers should supplement the food intake of about 300 Kcal/day so that its quality and production of breast milk remains assured. But for nursing mothers who want to go on a diet healthy and safe without reducing the production and quality of breast milk can following some tips as follows:

Consume healthy foods

 Choose and consume healthy foods is one of the businesses that you can do. This method is very simple and does not elaborate. However to get maximum results require consistency in running it. The selection of foods that are healthy for mothers who are breastfeeding would be very helpful to be able to lose weight, in addition to arranging your caloric intake can also maintain body condition when breastfeeding should be the fruit of the heart.

Consume complex carbohydrates, fruits, vegetables, and low-fat source of protein, may help breastfeeding Moms to run programs to diet with healthy eating or skim milk, eggs, fish, tempeh, tofu, chicken, skin discarded the peel and the food that comes from the nuts apart can help diet program can also keep the quality of breast milk.

 Drinking water white

 How to healthy diet for breastfeeding Moms next with drinking water. In breast milk contained water by 50%, thus indirectly directly, to be able to produce breast milk so nursing mothers will be in dire need of water. But not only that, the water is also very necessary to burn the fat in the body, shrink the stomach, as well as dispose of toxins within the body, in addition to water can also make you always hidration.

Recognizing hunger

 By recognizing hunger, it will spur the body to provide a response in the form of packed and with enough to eat, then nursing mothers no longer have to eat excess amounts in the next hours. Therefore, do not forget to recognize hunger. Eat with small portions, but will often, for example time packed into six times in one day, that is by 3 times the main meal which consists of breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as 3 times eating healthy snacks and beverages, and more.

Realistic and slowly

 You have to stay realistic with results from a diet that later you'll get. Therefore don't expect instant diet results. Even a Kim Kardashian also takes time sekitar4 month to be able to lose weight post birth. So remain patient and consistent in living a healthy diet is a safe way to deal with the body after childbirth. Avoid stress by means of play together fruit hearts and take him for a walk can also help burn calories on your body.


Methods to lose weight can be done in a way to burn body fat, and it can be done with exercise. Do sports after the completion of breastfeeding, in order to be comfortable sport activities; you can use special clothing that is designed for mothers who are breastfeeding. Healthy diet for breastfeeding Moms with the sport can begin by doing a stroll while carrying your baby. When the baby can be left to be active, you can also go swimming, cycling or any other sport that you enjoy doing.
